Kategoriarkiv: Vanddrukkent træ

Digital dokumentation og konservering af Kolding-koggen

Skrevet af Annette Hjelm Petersen En af verdens ældste kogger, Kolding-koggen et skibsvrag fra slutningen af 1100-tallet, blev delvist udgravet i Kolding Fjord i 1943 og helt udgravet i 2001. Siden har størstedelen af fundet været opbevaret på Staldgården ved … Læs resten

Udgivet i Bevaring, Vanddrukkent træ, Vragdel | Tagget , , , , , , , | Skriv en kommentar


Skrevet af Anne Moesgaard og Anette Hjelm Petersen I 1993 fremkom der, ved gravning af vandhul på en privat mark på Gislinge Lammefjord, en båd med skroget næsten intakt – dog manglende den øverste bordgang og masten. Båden var klinkbygget … Læs resten

Udgivet i Bevaring, Vanddrukkent træ | Tagget , , , , , , , | Skriv en kommentar

Pæleorm spiser laboratoriet

Skrevet af David Gregory og Anne Marie Eriksen I efteråret 2010 påbegyndtes et længerevarende projekt omkring pæleorm i in situ gruppen på enheden FA&R på Nationalmuseet Bevaring. Det har været en del af Anne Marie Eriksens speciale, som hun afleverede … Læs resten

Udgivet i Pæleorm, Vanddrukkent træ | Tagget , , , , , , | 2 kommentarer

Verdens længste vikingeskib – vi skynder os langsomt

  We are moving slowly towards our goal. Abstract. Although we have 4 years altogether from the starting pointin 2009, until our Viking Ship is ready for exhibition in 2013, there are several tasks to perform and we are busy. Fortunately, our … Læs resten

Udgivet i Vanddrukkent træ, Vragdel | Skriv en kommentar

Kølen – fra imprægnering til frysetørring i facon

We have the shape of the ship and its keelson – the information required for giving the keelson its correct shape before vacuum freeze-drying. The 8 parts have been impregnated for 10 years in Polyethyleneglycol 2000 and are now ready for the drying process. Our blacksmith, Lotte, has prepared the iron bars with “forks” to fit the individual pieces. Each part is fixed in the right shape, wrapped in plastic before freezing. After freezing, they are unwrapped and vacuum freeze dried for 5 months in the drying chamber. Læs resten

Udgivet i Vanddrukkent træ | Tagget , , , , , , , | Skriv en kommentar

Verdens længste vikingeskib – hvordan var skrogets facon?

The shape of the individual timbers has to be known before the wood is dried. The dry shape of the individual timbers will be based upon the initial reconstruction of the ship torso. The reconstruction is based upon the 1:1 documentation of the preserved parts of the ship after excavation. The 1:1 folio drawings of the timbers are reduced to 1:10, transferred to cardboard and cut out. The individual planks are connected by pins secured through the nail holes. When inserting the models of the frames into the flexible shell of planks, they reinforce the hull torso to an almost stiff construction. From this construction, the final shape of the hull can be created. Læs resten

Udgivet i Vanddrukkent træ | Tagget | 2 kommentarer

Konservering af verdens længste vikingeskibsvrag til udstilling

In 1997, excavations in the harbor of Roskilde Fjord revealed several ship wrecks. One of these wrecks, wreck no. 6, was the remains of a 37 meter long warship dating to about 1025.
Being 6 meters longer than the Skuldelev 2 ship (The Sea Stallion of Glendalough), this is the longest Viking ship preserved. The ship could hold a crew of about 100 men. Although only 25% of the ship is preserved, many interesting features can be recognized in the wreck.
The ship was dismantled upon excavation. Presently, the ship consists of approximately 200 pieces. All timbers are situated at the Danish National Museum, The Conservation Department. The basic idea is that the individual ship parts are impregnated, freeze-dried and mounted in supports that allow easy and safe storage, transport, handling and mounting for exhibition – world wide. Læs resten

Udgivet i Vanddrukkent træ | Tagget , , , , | 4 kommentarer